habits for success

Okay for a minute let’s be very honest here; Who likes to study almost no person with a little bit of common sense would tell you that hey I would love to study. No way it’s not possible unless you are a geek or really into studies. If you would have won a $500 million dollar lottery, I would be the first one to say to you well-done let’s go party and enjoy life.

However, as you are reading this blog somewhere that’s not the case, is it? So coming back to REALITY, If you are living in Australia, hopefully, you will grow your family here, and no matter how hard you try your children are going to speak English. So it’s good to learn English, isn’t it? By the I love all languages. 

First, you form habits later your habits form you. At first, it is very difficult to form any kind of habit especially if you are already indulging in bad habits for example if you are a student and you are sleeping too much it might not be good. But then you already have a habit so how do you change it? The slow and positive way you try to put yourself in a 14-day challenge keeps reminding yourself what’s the outcome of the change.

What am I trying to achieve here? If you follow that Routine or habit for a few days and fail, Just get back on it that’s completely okay. Never feel like a failure just because you couldn’t keep up with your habit. 

So What’s your Outcome?  Your outcome is that once you pass this test you are a free person in most ways. I have seen many many students leave these practices at the very last minute and lose the opportunity to get sponsored or get their residency.

You also need to form habits that suit your exam if you are not a morning person and you booked your exam in the morning it will not suit you. Perhaps you can try this way: write down the great and the good things that might happen to you if you change your habit from not studying to studying effectively.

The most Amazing tip I want to share with you is that STOP promising for eg in terms of study; You might say hey I promise I will do this today or tomorrow and you cannot get it done what happens psychologically is that you slowly start losing confidence in yourself.  By the way, if you are reading this blog check out our YouTube channel probably there might be a video already explaining this concept in a bit more detail. So that you understand it visually. If you cannot see it there right now It will definitely be there. 

You can also share with us some of the habits you really wanted to try but failed again and again. I will share 1 habit with you it’s going to the gym and getting a 6 pack. I paid 100s of dollars for a gym membership I hardly go there to train. So this tough habit that I wanted to implement in my own life has really tested my ability to stay healthy. However, the good news is that I go every now and then. 

I wish you all the success you deserve, happiness, health, and wealth. I want to thank all of you who are reading this article for taking out the time. You are going to be part of the journey and the destination. Everybody wins when someone shares a good idea.

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